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Eating a Healthy Breakfast with Muesli, Chia Seeds, Sunflower Seeds, Pumpkin Seeds, Hemp Seeds, Raw Cacao and Cinnamon

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. You must have heard this a million times, and yes, I agree, it is the most essential meal of the day. This is why I want to share with you my favourite muesli breakfast recipe that will keep you going for upto 3 hours without feeling hungry.

Starting your day right means the rest of your day will be productive. If you eat right, you’ll feel good and this will cascade on throughout the rest of your day. You’ll also have the energy to make the most of your morning when your brain is working at its best. (well, atleast mine functions the best during the morning hours)

The breakfast recipe I’m going to outline below is one of my favourite meals of the day. If I had to choose only one meal to eat every single day for the rest of my life, this would be it. I absolutely love it and it never gets old.

Knowing that I’m eating healthy as well makes me feel happier too 🙂

*Oh, unlike most people, I add my milk to the bowl first so that I can heat it up in the microwave if the weather’s a bit cold. Adding it later after adding the muesli and then heating it would make everything soft and soggy. You can add the ingredients in whichever order you’d like.


Mueli Breakfast

Add milk to your bowl (perfect if you want to heat up your milk or you can add it later)

Add 1 tbsp of Chia seeds (I add these first so they can start soaking in the milk)

Add 1 tbsp of Sunflower Seeds & Pumpkin Seeds

Add 1 tbsp of ground flax seeds (you can also add whole flax or lin seeds)

Add 1 tbsp of hemp seeds (you can use unshelled or shelled hemp seeds)

Add 1-2 brazil nuts

Add 4-5 almonds

Add 1/2 tspn of raw cacao powder (you can add more or less as per your taste)

Add a handful of blueberries

Add a handful of sliced red grapes

Add one chopped banana

Add 1 tspn of ground cinnamon powder on top of the banana slices (Tip: I like to add the cinnamon power directly on top of the banana as these go really well together. When you eat your mueli, you’ll taste these two together and might even utter ummm.. You can add the cinnamon in the milk as well but you might not get that distinct taste)

Add 30 – 50gm Swiss style muesli (I use either Asda or Sainsbury swiss style muesli with raisins and nuts and no added salt or sugar. Make sure your muesli is swiss style to give it that crunch. I add this at the end so that it does not get soggy & soft. I also ensure nothing is going to come in the way of me and my cereal after this step as I want to dig right in for the crunchiness)

Add 1/2 to 1 tbsp of pure honey across your muesli to get that sweetness with every bite you take

Finally, enjoy your taste of heaven 🙂

(Please note it make take about 10 minutes to prepare this but I use this time to also practise mindfulness. I enjoy the process of adding all the various ingredients to my breakfast and try to stay present in the moment. It’s a good break from all those thoughts)


Here’s the video link:

Eating a Healthy Breakfast with Muesli, Chia Seeds, Sunflower Seeds, Pumpkin Seeds, Hemp Seeds, Raw Cacao, Brazil nuts, Almonds and Cinnamon

I hope you enjoy this breakfast recipe as much as I do. Incase you add other healthy seeds or nuts to your breakfast, please do comment and let me know. I would love to experiment with my cereal too and I’m always open to new suggestions.

Have a lovely day ahead!

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