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Easy Vanilla Yoghurt Raspberry Banana Blueberry Chia Seeds Pumpkin Seeds Sunflower Seeds Breakfast Yoghurt Bowl

Today, I indulged in a yummy vanilla yoghurt bowl for breakfast.

This chia seed yoghurt bowl is full of healthy goodness and perfect to keep you full for hours. If you’re on a weightloss journey, this yoghurt bowl is perfect to keep you going and full of nutrition.

I added banana, raspberries and blueberries for fruit and sprinkled chia seeds, pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds for those precious Omega 3 fats and B vitamins.

I cannot stress the “amazingness” of adding granola or muesli (which I buy from Sainsburys) to this breakfast recipe.

Granola or muesli gives it that amazing crunch and the oats that make up granola/muesli are full of protein and so many other nutrients which are great for our health.



2-3 tablespoons of yoghurt (you can opt for low fat yoghurt if you’re on a weight loss journey)

1/2 tsp vanilla essence

3/4 tbsp honey or any other sweetener

1/2 banana

A handful of raspberries

A handful of blueberries

2 tbsp of muesli/granola

Chia seeds, Pumpkin seeds, Sunflower seeds for sprinkling



  • Add yoghurt to a bowl, add the vanilla essence and honey and mix it nicely into the yoghurt
  • Garnish with raspberries, banana slices, blueberries
  • Add your granola/muesli on the side
  • Sprinkle chia seeds, pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds all over
  • Enjoy! 🙂




Very easy breakfast recipe, quick to prepare and full of goodness.

Below, I’ve outlined a few benefits of the ingredients in this bowl to convince you that this is really a delicious and healthy breakfast 🙂


Benefits of Chia Seeds:

Good for eye health, skin, hair, brain health, healthy aging, bone and teeth health.

Click to read the full nutritional benefits of Chia Seeds


Benefits of Sunflower Seeds:

Great for skin, healthy aging, heart health, migraines, healthy bones, helping with depression.

Click to read the full nutritional benefits of Sunflower Seeds


Benefits of Pumpkin Seeds:

Great for skin, healthy aging, heart health, good sleep, sexual health, healthy bones and eyes.

Click to read the full nutritional benefits of Pumpkin Seeds


Benefits of Yoghurt:

Provides almost every nutrient your body needs, helps with weight loss, healthy hair, digestion, improved immune health, healthy bones, promotes heart health.

Ofcourse if you’re lactose intolerant or have milk allergies, this recipe may not be for you. Try with a small amount of yoghurt to see how you feel if you’re not sure or check with your GP.


Benefits of Blueberries:

Healthy aging, healthy bones, good skin, lowers blood pressure, protects against heart disease, may help with cognitive health, prevent constipation and help with weight loss.


Benefits of raspberries:

Promote heart health, healthy aging and good skin.


Benefits of banana:

Help with healthy aging, may improve digestive health, may aid with weight loss, support heart health, may improve kidney health.


Benefits of honey:

Healthy aging, promotes heart health, may lower blood pressure, may improve cholestrol.

Honey is still high in calories and sugar so use only as much as you need.


Benefits of muesli/granola:

Good for weight loss, hair health, lowers blood pressure, can improve blood sugar control, may help with constipation.


I hope you enjoy this easy vanilla breakfast yoghurt bowl with banana, blueberries, raspberries, chia seeds, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, granola/muesli and honey.

I’ll be adding more breakfast bowl recipes so be sure to keep checking back 🙂

Easy Vanilla Yogurt Bowl Breakfast Idea


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