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Easy to Make Turmeric Ginger Latte without Coffee / Caffeine Drink


Hey guys, today I have something a little different for you compared to my usual oats breakfast recipes.

That’s right, I have a simple turmeric ginger latte recipe that has NO COFFEE in it. Can you believe that? Yes, it tastes just like coffee but has no coffee in it.

This easy to make turmeric ginger latte takes only 5-7 minutes to make and is a really quick heart-warming drink to have on those cold chilly days and nights. Best thing about it is that it has no caffeine, so it won’t keep you up at night.

This turmeric ginger latte is also a healthier alternative to tea, coffee or hot chocolate. With healthy ingredients like turmeric powder and ginger powder, it will be a good boost for your health and keep away those colds/cough.



This turmeric ginger latte has only four ingredients!


1 Mug of Milk ( You can use dairy milk or plant based milk – but choose a plant based milk that doesn’t have a very strong flavour/taste)

1/4 tspn of turmeric powder

1/2 tspn of ginger powder

ANDDDDD the ingredient that makes it taste like coffeee???

1/2 tbsp – 1tbsp of BLACK MOLASSES (add more or less depending on how sweet you want it)



Add your milk into a mug, add the turmeric and ginger powder, add the black molasses.

Stir and pop it into the microwave for 3-5 minutes or until it’s as hot as you want it to be.

(PS: I keep stirring intermittently while it’s in the microwave so that cream doesn’t form on top. I don’t like cream. But if you don’t mind it, you can let the drink heat up without stirring)

And enjoy!


It’s as simple as that. If you don’t want to add the turmeric powder and ginger powder, you can skip these two.

With only milk and black molasses, your drink will taste like coffee but without the caffeine. It tastes best when it is hot.

PS: I have read that drinking hot milk with sugar can help you sleep at night. I would assume the same of molasses (these are made from sugarcane). So it’s a great drink to have before sleeping especially if you have insomnia. This is simply based on what I’ve read and I can’t vouch for its accuracy!


[button size=”large” style=”primary” text=”BUY TURMERIC POWDER NOW” link=”” target=”_blank”]

[button size=”large” style=”primary” text=”BUY GINGER POWDER NOW” link=”” target=”_blank”]







Here’s the video link of how I made this turmeric ginger latte. In the video, I mention 1/2 tspn of turmeric powder.

I would suggest using 1/4 tsp of turmeric powder as it gets bitter with 1/2 tsp of turmeric powder. You can add more if you like.



[button size=”large” style=”primary” text=”BUY TURMERIC POWDER NOW” link=”” target=”_blank”]

[button size=”large” style=”primary” text=”BUY GINGER POWDER NOW” link=”” target=”_blank”]


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