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Turmeric Recipes – Drumstick / Moringa & Chickpea Protein Indian Curry Recipe – Saragwo nu Shak – Indian Recipes


This is a very unusual recipe and it has been passed down from my grandmother.

You may have come across my earlier recipes using moringa powder. That moringa powder is made from the leaves of the moringa plant.

This Turmeric Moringa Chick Pea curry is made using the moringa fruit, also known as drumsticks (because yes, they look like drumsticks).

The moringa plant is truly amazing in that every part of the moringa plant can be used. It is a very nutritious plant and indeed qualifies for superfood status.


Click if you would like to find out more about the nutritional benefits of moringa powder.

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With the moringa fruit, you don’t have to eat the entire moringa fruit after cooking it. You only have to eat what’s on the inside of the moringa fruit. You break open the moringa fruit and then scrape what’s inside with your teeth or you can use a fork/spoon to remove it if you prefer. But the fun of using your teeth is something else. It is the classic way of eating the moringa fruit.

This curry cannot be made without yoghurt. Hence, if you’re vegan, use vegan yoghurt.


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Curry for Two




5 drumsticks

1/2 cup chick pea flour

1/2 cup yoghurt (vegan yoghurt)

1 and 1/2 cups water

Salt to taste

1/2 tsp turmeric powder

1 tbsp grated garlic

1 tbsp grated ginger

1 small green chilli chopped

50gm chopped coriander

2 tbsp sunflower oil

1/2 tsp mustard seeds

1/2 tsp cumin seeds

1/4 tsp asafoetida powder


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Prepare the drumsticks:


Chop each of the drumsticks to a length of 10cm.

First, you need to steam the drumsticks.

I use a pressure cooker. I add water to the bottom of the pressure cooker, place a stand, and then place a pan within the pressure cooker on top of the stand. In this pan, I add the chopped drumsticks and sprinkle salt on them.

I then cover the pressure cooker and wait until I’ve heard two whistles go off. I immediately switch off the flame.

Do not cook for more than two whistles, otherwise the drumsticks will become too soft. They have to be just right.

Leave the pressure cooker to cool.


Prepare the gravy:


In a bowl, add the chickpea flour and yoghurt. Mix.

Once you have a smooth paste, slowly add the water and keep mixing. You want to avoid chickpea flour lumps, so it is best to add the water a little at a time.

Add salt to taste and the turmeric powder. Keep this mixture aside.


In another pan, add the oil. When it’s smoking, add the mustard seeds and cover the pan. Wait for all the mustard seeds to pop and lower the flame.

Add the cumin seeds and asafoetida powder.

Add the chickpea yoghurt mixture prepared above to the oil and stir right away.

You have to keep stirring otherwise the yoghurt may curdle.


Add the green chillies, ginger and garlic.

Also, add any coriander stems that you may have chopped. Do not add the coriander leaves. We’ll add these at the end.


Now, you have to keep stirring.

Keep the flame on a medium flame. If it’s too low, it will take forever to cook. If it’s too high, the flour won’t cook and you’ll end up eating a raw gravy causing stomach ache.


With time, this gravy will become thick. You will need to cover the pan as the gravy thickens because it will splash outside the pan. Do not cover the pan fully so as to allow the steam to escape.


After about 10 – 15 minutes, you’ll notice the colour of this gravy changing. It will have gone from a matt dull yellow to a shiny bright yellow. It will also have thickened substantially from the watery soup that it was.

When you feel it is thick enough, carefully add the drumsticks. Avoid adding any water along with the drumsticks.

Mix the drumsticks into the gravy carefully taking care not to break the drumsticks. They will be very fragile and we want the drumsticks to be whole. The person who eats this curry is the one who will break open the drumsticks.


Cook for another 5 minutes and then add the chopped coriander leaves. Once again, carefully mix them into the gravy.


Serve this turmeric moringa / drumstick and protein chickpea curry hot with roti.


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Turmeric Recipes – Drumstick / Moringa & Chickpea Protein Indian Curry Recipe – Saragwo nu Shak – Indian Recipes


I know you’ll find this turmeric recipe very unusual and it is very possible that it may be hit and miss when you make it.

Remember, you only have to eat the inside seeds of the moringa fruit and not the outer cover.


You have to keep trying this curry until you get it right. Also, life is for adventure and discovering new things.

That is why you are following me 🙂 I have so many unusual Indian recipes to share with you which you may never have heard of or come across.

I do hope you enjoy making and eating this turmeric moringa/drumstick & chickpea protein gravy also known as “Saragwo nu Shak” in my language.

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