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Purple Anti-Aging Ginger Spiced Beetroot Breakfast Porridge

In Okinawa, Japan, it is common for people to live beyond 100+ years. Infact, Okinawa has the highest rate of 100+ year olds compared to the rest of the world.

A study was done in Okinawa over a period of 10 years and it was found that the secret to this long life could lie in the purple sweet potato which makes a large part of the Okinawan diet.

Scientists have found that this purple colour is due to anthocyanins. These anthocyanins can also be found in other fruits and vegetables which are purple in colour e.g. purple grapes, blueberries, purple cabbage, aubergine, blackberries, purple carrots, figs, prunes etc.

Hence, it is a good ideal to add more of these purple fruits and vegetables to your diet.


For my oats breakfast porridge today, I decided to go all purple by using beetroot, purple grapes and blueberries. I can confidently say I’ve added an extra day to my life, haha :d

Please note the beetroots, whilst they may be purple in colour, they do not actually get their colour from anthocyanins. They get their colour from betalains which are also healthy antioxidants and could prevent premature aging.

I also added banana, using half as a topping and the other half when cooking the oats.

I cooked the oats with banana and added ginger powder as well to keep in line the season, plus ginger goes really well with beetroot and banana.

Ginger is a wonderful spice that helps warm up the body and boost immunity. It is perfect for the colder autumn and winter seasons.


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50g rolled oats

Water as required (or plant-based milk e.g. oat milk / almond milk / dairy milk if you are not vegan)

1/2 beetroot grated

1/2 ripe banana

1/2 tsp ginger powder


For Garnishing:


Purple grapes



Honey / Maple syrup


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In a pan on a medium flame, add your oats, water, beetroot, banana and ginger powder.

Cook for about 2 – 5 minutes until the oats are cooked and you have the desired consistency for the oats.

Pour into your bowl and garnish with grapes, blueberries, banana and honey.

Enjoy this wholesome breakfast bowl hot!


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Purple Anti-Aging Ginger Spiced Beetroot Breakfast Porridge

This ground ginger powder infused oats breakfast recipe was really wholesome, filling and it is a great way to add your vegetables such as beetroot to one of your meals. Beetroot is normally used in roasts or one pot cooking, but there’s no reason why you can’t add it to your breakfast too!

I love eating healthy and always look out for new ways to make my breakfast healthier. I’m not sure if many people add beets to their oats but hey, it’s your one a day and if you can make a delicious meal out of it, why not? Hopefully, this purple anti-aging breakfast will keep you younger, healthier and happier.

Have a wonderful week ahead! 🙂

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