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Winter Apple Carrot & Ginger Immunity Oats – Healthy Breakfast Recipes

Nothing like a delicious bowl of immunity apple oats for breakfast on a cold morning, am I right?

I have started experimenting with adding different vegetables in my oatmeal so as to get as many of my 10 a day as possible 🙂

Today, I grated carrot and cooked it with my oats. Carrots are a great vegetable to add to your porridge breakfast because they are sweet and not overpowering.

Combining carrots with apple and ginger tasted absolutely delicious. Try it!

Carrots are rich in vitamin A and apples are rich in Vitamin C. It is also a wonderful way to add more vegetables into your children’s diet.

I garnished it with my Seeds & Goji Berries mix which is super easy to use and has pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, flaxseed, chia seeds and goji berries in it.




For Porridge:

50g rolled oats

Water as required (or plant-based milk e.g. oat milk / almond milk / dairy milk if you are not vegan)

1/2 diced apple

1/2 grated carrot

1/2 tsp ginger powder

Handful of blueberries


For Garnishing:



Better Food Mood’s Seeds & Goji Berries Mix

Brazil nuts

Honey / Maple syrup




In a pan on a medium flame, add your oats and water/milk.

Add the diced apples, grated carrots, blueberries and ginger powder.

Cook for about 2 – 5 minutes until the oats are cooked and you have the desired consistency for the oats.

Pour into your bowl and garnish with the grapes, banana, brazil nuts, seeds mix and sweetener.

Enjoy this autumn inspired porridge breakfast bowl hot!


Autumn Carrot & Apple Porridge Breakfast Oats with ginger

This porridge bowl was such a delicious combo of fruit, veg and grain. Everything went so well together.

As I’ve been feeling a bit low on immunity, I also had a ginger turmeric black pepper tea alongside this.

Do try it, I’m sure you’ll love it 🙂

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