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Coronation Vanilla Cupcakes For Britain’s Coronation of King Charles III – using blue butterfly pea flower tea and hibiscus and rose tea

A once in a lifetime event, the coronation of the King of the United Kingdom. Today is being spent watching the live coronation with family and enjoying the lovely coronation cupcakes I baked yesterday using my mum’s eggless vanilla sponge cupcake recipe. This recipe is vegetarian, not vegan as I used butter and milk.

Ofcourse I had to use the colours of the UK flag for the icing on top – otherwise we cannot call them coronation cupcakes, right?

I went for a pink icing rather than a red icing because red would be too harsh on the eye 😀

For both the pink and blue icing, I used the natural colour from flowers.

For the pink colour, I used rose and hibiscus tea. This gives the icing a lovely light floral rose taste as well as a beautiful baby pink colour.

For the blue colour, I used blue butterfly pea flowers.

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Makes 6 – 7 medium cupcakes



Dry Ingredients

1 heaped cup plain flour

1.5 tsp baking powder


Wet ingredients

125g butter

1/2 cup milk

1/2 cup sugar

1 tsp vanilla extract



Blue Icing

2 tbsp icing sugar

2-3 tsp blue butterfly pea flower tea


Pink Icing

2 tbsp icing sugar

2 – 3 tsp hibiscus & rose flower tea



Rose petals






First, I made the cupcakes.

In a bowl, measure out the plain flour and add baking powder. Mix well.


In a pan, add the butter and melt it over a slow flame.

Switch off the flame and stir in the sugar.

Heat up the milk in a microwave and then add the hot milk to the butter and sugar wet mixture above.

Add the vanilla extract.

Stir well.


Slowly pour the butter milk sugar & vanilla wet mix into the dry mix.

Mix well.


Pre-heat your oven on 200 degrees Celsius.


Place cupcake paper liners in your muffin tray.

Use a spoon to scoop cake batter into the paper liners. I filled them about 3/4 way. You could also fill them upto 1/2 if you want them to be in level with the top of the paper liners.

I got 7 medium sized cupcakes.


Place the tray in your oven and reduce the heat to 180 degrees Celsius.

I baked for 20 minutes. Check your cupcakes when 15 minutes are up just incase your oven bakes faster.

Check that the cupcake is cooked by inserted a toothpick in it. If it comes out clean, the cupcake is ready.


Remove the cupcakes and leave them to cool.





Now prepare the icing.

For the Blue icing:

I first made blue butterfly pea flower tea. Click to buy these blue butterfly pea flowers from my store. These are flowers which provide a natural blue hue.

Add a few tsp of the tea to the icing sugar, mix well and keep aside.

[button size=”large” style=”primary” text=”BUY BLUE PEA FLOWER TEA NOW” link=”” target=”_blank”]


For the Pink icing:

I first made hibiscus and rose flower tea. Click to buy this hibiscus and rose tea from my store. These are flowers which provide a natural red or pink hue. You can choose to make the icing more pink or more red. I went for pink because I prefer that colour when eating a cupcake 🙂

Add a few tsp of the tea to the icing sugar, mix well and keep aside.

[button size=”large” style=”primary” text=”BUY ROSE HIBISCUS TEA NOW” link=”” target=”_blank”]


Once the cupcakes have cooled, decorate them with your icing and add sweets or anything you’d like to garnish. I used rose petals and blueberries.




Coronation Vanilla Cupcakes For Britain’s Coronation of King Charles III – using blue butterfly pea flower tea and hibiscus and rose tea

These cupcakes turned out super soft and were so delicious, everyone loved them.

I found them slightly on the sweet side because of the frosting but I do not have a sweet tooth. If you’re like me, feel free to cut back on the amount of sugar used.

The pink icing had a light floral taste which was quite lovely.

I paired these cupcakes with the left over hibiscus and rose tea.

I also made turmeric infused paneer puff pastry pinwheels whose recipe I’ll add soon!

I hope you have a lovely coronation bank holiday weekend xxx

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