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How to be Happy in the Cold Winter months

Practising happiness in the cold winter months can be difficult. I mean it is hard enough to be happy when it’s warm, but the cold grey season just adds another level of misery.

I think it’s got to do with the sun. I’m sure of it. I just feel so much happier when the sun is out and sky is blue. There must be some sort of energy emitted by the sun that gives us that warm fuzzy feeling.

Nevertheless, unless you are living on a beach by the sea in a warm country, you and I are going to have to learn to deal with the cold grey winter months. And how can we be happy when the sun has abandoned us?


Ways to be Happy in the Cold Winter Months


  1. Happiness is a state of mind

I am going to be a smarty pants and say that happiness is a state of mind because it’s true. No matter the weather, rain or shine, if you are happy in your mind, you’ll be happy.

Most times we make ourselves miserable by saying, oh, it’s so cold, I feel so miserable. Why can’t I just be on a nice sunny beach somewhere? This sort of negative language makes our thoughts more negative and reflects in our actions too. The result is that your actions in your life aren’t as productive as they could have been had you been in a positive state of mind. In turn, you feel even more down.

The key is to find good in every moment. So it’s cold. So what? Isn’t that the perfect excuse for curling up under a hot duvet with a cup of hot chocolate and netflix?

So shrug off those unhappy thoughts and start looking for the good in everything. It’s December, which means its Christmas season! There’s so much to look forward to!


2. Find your purpose in life/meaning for being

Having a purpose in life can making life so much more fulfilling and this will trump any downside from external events.

If you know what you want in life and you are working towards that, you’ll get out of bed every day. You’ll work towards that purpose and the closer you get to it, the happier you’ll be.

Even the cold dreary weather won’t get you down. I genuinely feel that as humans, we all have a purpose here on earth. I remember when I was younger, I used to feel so lost. I was letting life take me on any path and I wasn’t sure what I was searching for. But several years ago, I discovered what I want from life and everyday, I work towards it. This doesn’t mean that I’m happy every single day but when I think about what I’m doing and why, it warms me.

So take some time out and really think about your purpose in life. It could be anything – helping someone in need, becoming successful, taking care of your family, etc.


The two ways above are general “big picture” ways to be happy that you should practise throughout your life.

Now, I’m going to outline actionable ways that can instantly make you happy during the cold months 🙂

The key is to be in a happy state of mind and then do fun things that can make you happier. You may feel lazy to do the things below if you’re feeling down but push yourself to do some of them. Once you’ve done them, you’ll feel better.


3. Make a cup of hot chocolate

What I love about the cold season is that I can have lots of yummy hot drinks such as hot chocolate.

You can make it more cozy by adding marshmallows, cream, chocolate chips or anything that tickles your fancy.


4. Enjoy a cup of hot tea with sweet treats

What better excuse to have afternoon tea than in the winter months?

Brew up a nice hot cup of tea or if you’re like me, a nice cup of Indian masala chai and enjoy with delicious cakes and cookies!

You’ll notice I’m suggesting sweet treats so be sure to get your exercise in too!


5. Put up the decorations and Christmas tree

When I’m feeling down, I get into this trap where I can’t be bothered to do fun things like putting up the decorations – because then I can’t be bothered to take them down! 😀

Don’t fall into this trap.

Get those decorations out, put up the Christmas tree and make your home feel festive and pretty. Revamping up your home like this will change the vibe and create a different feel to your home making you smile. This is good because when you’re feeling down, having a change of scenery can help a bit.


6. Get social with friends and family

Ok, so I don’t know what’s going on with the Omicron virus and we may not be able to have as many social events this Christmas, but don’t stop this from calling your friends & family – or atleast having video calls.

Everyone’s more or less free over this month and it’s the perfect time to catch up with friends and family. Even if you are an introvert like me, as humans, we are social creatures. We do need to spend a few hours talking to those we love and care about. This will make you happier.

Ofcourse, try to stay away from those that bring you down. You don’t need that.


7. Christmas movie marathons

The amazing thing about December is that all the Christmas movies are up on Netflix, BBC iplayer and Amazon prime!

Take time out, curl up under the duvet and watch those movies. They’ll definitely cheer you up.


8. Exercise

When the cold months come by, we feel lazier to go to the gym or get out of the house for that matter.

Push yourself to go to the gym and get that exercise. I exercise at home, add in a dance session too and go for a walk everyday. It’s harder in the cold but I just envision looking fit and healthy and it motivates me to go for it.

Getting in that exercise will keep your energy levels up, keep you healthy, get that adrenaline flowing and keep you happy.


9. Light up the candles, keep that romantic mood

So it gets dark early and it’s freezing as hell. You simply need to make the most of the situation.

Buy some scented candles and light them up. Switch on some music that you love. The Christmas decorations are up too. Enjoy a hot bubble bath. Switch on the heaters! 😀

Can you feel the cozy vibes yet?


10. Cook something delicious

As it’s cold outside, why not spend more time indoors and cook up some delicious fresh food?

This is the perfect opportunity to hone into your cooking skills and eat well. Eat food made from fresh ingredients, share with your family, grow the love.


11. Read

Cozy up under warm blanket and finish that thriller or sci-fi book you’ve been meaning to read.

Expand your knowledge by reading books that further your life purpose.

Keeping your mind busy with knowledge will leave no space for procrastination and sadness.


12. Go for a walk outdoors

It may be cold and dreary but don’t let this put you off.

I find that the reason I get put off going outside in the cold is because I don’t have the right clothing or shoes.

Invest in a warm coat and good boots such that no matter how cold it is, you are unstoppable.

Getting outdoors and getting that fresh air will revitalise you and keep you feeling refreshed.


13. Meditation

Keep that balance with meditation.

I find that it is easier to meditate when it’s relatively cold. The mind feels more refreshed.

Simply put on a comfortable sweater so you don’t feel too cold. Meditation will allow you to calm your mind and focus on your purpose.


14. Go to bed on time and don’t oversleep

It’s easy to delay getting to bed in the cold winter months if you are feeling down.

It’s also easy to oversleep as it stays dark for longer and it’s cold.

Discipline your mind to go to bed and wake up at the same time with a good 7-8 hours of sleep.

This way, you’ll get your sleep, get your work in too and avoid wasting time.


15. Laugh more

Finally, I would urge you to take active steps to laugh more 🙂

Watch comedy shows, meet up with your friends, read a joke a day, find your funny bone and laugh more.

Laughing will tell your mind that you are happy and the mind in turn will become happier – meaning that you’ll be in a better state to laugh more.

There’s a thing such as laughter yoga if you didn’t know 😉


I hope the 15 tips above on how to be happy during the cold winter months were helpful. And really, you can do anything that makes you happy when you are indoors. The key is to get off your ar** and do those things. Don’t be lazy!

Happy days xxx

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