How to handle uncomfortable questions or conversations
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How to handle uncomfortable questions or conversations

Have you ever been in a situation whereby someone wanted to discuss something that you’re not comfortable with or they asked you an uncomfortable question about your personal life? I’ve been in this situation so many times and was in this situation just this week. I was actually quite stunned to find out the length…

Feeling overwhelmed by life – what should I do?
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Feeling overwhelmed by life – what should I do?

Feeling overwhelmed by life? We have all been there. Not once, not twice, multiple times. It’s hard to get through the day, you are feeling unhappy, depressed, anxious, irritated. You can’t be bothered to go out and have fun, you can’t be bothered to talk to people, nothing feels good. Life… It’s supposed to be…

The Eight Most Important Lifestyle Tips To Live Healthy and Be Happy
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The Eight Most Important Lifestyle Tips To Live Healthy and Be Happy

Today, I want to focus on the big picture. I want to talk about the eight most important things in our life (in my opinion) that will affect our health and happiness. These eight things will affect your lifestyle day in day out and in the long run, the outcome of your life. Get these…

How to focus and get your work done
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How to focus and get your work done

When you are living life, it is easy to lose focus. When you lose focus, it becomes difficult to work and be productive. The constant worrying, events happening in your life, anxiety, distractions – these can all affect the quality of your focus and affect your work. If you are reading this article, then it…

How to control your thoughts
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How to control your thoughts

One realisation I’ve come to after reading countless self-development books and listening to podcasts – possibly the most important realisation – is that our thoughts control our lives. “It’s just a thought, how bad can it be?” Do not be fooled. Your thoughts aren’t just fleeting things that come and go – they can and…

Trying too hard in love, dating and relationships
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Trying too hard in love, dating and relationships

Love can be a wonderful feeling when everything is going well. But it’s never that simple, is it? There will be ups and downs in any relationship, conflicts and compromises – because this is the bonding of two individuals who are both very different in their own right. Differences are bound to occur and this…

Why do we want what we can’t have? How does this affect Happiness?
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Why do we want what we can’t have? How does this affect Happiness?

We all seek happiness. But sometimes it’s hard to find and one of the reasons for this can be to do with the anxiety from not getting what we desire. What is it you desire the most? Is it getting that dream job? Is it being successful in business? Is it that person you can’t…

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