Why do I feel so irritable and how to stop being so irritable?
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Why do I feel so irritable and how to stop being so irritable?

Irritability. It’s one of those things that’s not very easy to shake off. What is irritability for those of you have been lucky enough not to experience it? Is everything and everyone bothering you lately? You’re always in a bad mood and when someone says something silly, it annoys you even further you just want…

10 ways to deal with people who get on your nerves
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10 ways to deal with people who get on your nerves

People who get on your nerves.. they are just everywhere, right? No matter how positive you are or how well the day starts, there’s always that one person that will bring you down or create problems out of nothing. Sometimes, it’s annoying to put all that energy and effort into practising changing your mindset and…

The Eight Most Important Lifestyle Tips To Live Healthy and Be Happy
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The Eight Most Important Lifestyle Tips To Live Healthy and Be Happy

Today, I want to focus on the big picture. I want to talk about the eight most important things in our life (in my opinion) that will affect our health and happiness. These eight things will affect your lifestyle day in day out and in the long run, the outcome of your life. Get these…

How to focus and get your work done
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How to focus and get your work done

When you are living life, it is easy to lose focus. When you lose focus, it becomes difficult to work and be productive. The constant worrying, events happening in your life, anxiety, distractions – these can all affect the quality of your focus and affect your work. If you are reading this article, then it…

Pumpkin Seeds Nutrition Benefits
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Pumpkin Seeds Nutrition Benefits

What are pumpkin seeds? Pumpkin seeds are the flat green edible seeds of a pumpkin. You might say but pumpkin seeds are white? Yes, they have a white outer husk, and once it’s removed, we have a flat oval green pumpkin seed 🙂 Pumpkin seeds have many nutritional benefits. In some cultures, they are roasted…

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