How to control your thoughts
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How to control your thoughts

One realisation I’ve come to after reading countless self-development books and listening to podcasts – possibly the most important realisation – is that our thoughts control our lives. “It’s just a thought, how bad can it be?” Do not be fooled. Your thoughts aren’t just fleeting things that come and go – they can and…

Connecting with Friends and our Health & Wellbeing
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Connecting with Friends and our Health & Wellbeing

How important is it to have friends? Can friends have an impact on your health and wellbeing? I think it does. Even though we live in a society whereby we are increasingly becoming independent and living alone, we are inherently social creatures. If you go back to the stone ages, the human race survived because…

Eating a Healthy Breakfast with Muesli, Chia Seeds, Sunflower Seeds, Pumpkin Seeds, Hemp Seeds, Raw Cacao and Cinnamon
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Eating a Healthy Breakfast with Muesli, Chia Seeds, Sunflower Seeds, Pumpkin Seeds, Hemp Seeds, Raw Cacao and Cinnamon

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. You must have heard this a million times, and yes, I agree, it is the most essential meal of the day. This is why I want to share with you my favourite muesli breakfast recipe that will keep you going for upto 3 hours without feeling…

Meditation and Dealing with Disappointments
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Meditation and Dealing with Disappointments

Following on from last week’s post about disappointments, I would like to talk about how you could use meditation to help you through the process of getting over your disappointments. Just a quick recap – based on my experience, the way to get over a disappointment is to follow these four steps: Let your emotions…

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