How to follow through with your New Year’s Resolutions
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How to follow through with your New Year’s Resolutions

New year’s resolutions (for those who don’t know) are goals you set for the new year. These are things you hope to achieve to better your life and ensure your next year is better than this year. For most people, new year’s resolutions don’t last past the first month of January or even past the…

10 ways to deal with people who get on your nerves
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10 ways to deal with people who get on your nerves

People who get on your nerves.. they are just everywhere, right? No matter how positive you are or how well the day starts, there’s always that one person that will bring you down or create problems out of nothing. Sometimes, it’s annoying to put all that energy and effort into practising changing your mindset and…

How to control your thoughts
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How to control your thoughts

One realisation I’ve come to after reading countless self-development books and listening to podcasts – possibly the most important realisation – is that our thoughts control our lives. “It’s just a thought, how bad can it be?” Do not be fooled. Your thoughts aren’t just fleeting things that come and go – they can and…

Connecting with Friends and our Health & Wellbeing
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Connecting with Friends and our Health & Wellbeing

How important is it to have friends? Can friends have an impact on your health and wellbeing? I think it does. Even though we live in a society whereby we are increasingly becoming independent and living alone, we are inherently social creatures. If you go back to the stone ages, the human race survived because…

Meditation and Dealing with Disappointments
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Meditation and Dealing with Disappointments

Following on from last week’s post about disappointments, I would like to talk about how you could use meditation to help you through the process of getting over your disappointments. Just a quick recap – based on my experience, the way to get over a disappointment is to follow these four steps: Let your emotions…

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